In this “noonday dream,” a reference to Emily Brontë, one encounters a host of fairytale creatures, playing, sleeping or dreaming. The viewer is drawn in and becomes part of this reverie, which is interspersed with images of everyday family life, travel and game-playing. While the images in the artist’s previous series were raw and direct, Noonday glows with the ease of a summer afternoon and yet still leaves the viewer with the melancholy certainty that the days of one’s childhood pass by much too fast.
Edited by Lars Müller with a contribution by Elisa Tamaschke.
About the Author
Annelies Štrba is a video artist and photographer who has had numerous exhibitions internationally and whose work is discussed and shown worldwide.
About the Publisher
Lars Müller Publishers is an internationally active publishing house based in Zurich, Switzerland. It came into being in 1983 as a result of the bibliophile passion of designer Lars Müller. The house has since made a worldwide name for itself with carefully-edited and designed publications on architecture, design, photography, contemporary art and society. The publishing programme reflects Müller’s own diverse interests, documenting historical developments and contemporary phenomena by presenting compelling work in the visual arts. Lars Müller works closely with his editors and authors to produce significant publications of great independence, to the highest possible standards.