This is a story about Ahmed, a little boy who is visually impaired and uses a staff to help him. To him, all the presents in the world could not compare to his walking cane, or ‘staff,’ that understands him so well and is always flying him off to a new and beautiful fantasy world filled with various adventures.
About the Author
Shaikha Al Zeyara, the author of several children’s books, is passionate about getting children to read, authoring numerous articles on the matter, hosting various workshops on reading and writing and developing tailored programs aimed at instilling reading as a lifelong habit in children.
About the Illustrator
Pitu Álvarez works with national and international publishing houses to illustrate books for children and young adults.
About the Publisher
Kalimat launched in 2007 as a publishing house for children’s books. Over the years, it expanded into Kalimat Group, a mother company that holds five imprints under its umbrella. Its imprints are dedicated to encouraging early education in Arabic and improving the level of Arabic literacy among children; publishing translated and Arabic literary works for adults; publishing and distributing the publications of the imprints affiliated with QUATRO in Arabic; and producing the ever-entertaining form of illustrative storytelling available in the Arabic language. Kalimat Group has published over 400 books, many of which have received Arab and international awards.