Frustrated with the back and forth involved in moving between his separated parents’ homes, the young boy begins to draw up a plan to make the boring transit end once and for all.
While concocting his plan, he finds himself coming to terms with his new reality. All in all, this story provides an accepting and positive outlook on the ways in which children can cope with the separation of their parents.
About the Author
Abir Ballan’s aim as an author is to preserve the Arabic language and culture through her books while allowing children to identify with the characters they read about, supporting them through their childhood struggles and learning experiences, entertaining them and helping them appreciate the joy of reading.
About the Illustrator
Illustrator Jimena Tello completed her learning with the Colombian superlatives illustrator José Sanabria at the Sotano Blanco School of Arts where she now teaches. She has published several books and, in 2011, was selected to exhibit at the Biennale in Bratislava.
About the Publisher
Kalimat launched in 2007 as a publishing house for children’s books. Over the years, it expanded into Kalimat Group, a mother company that holds five imprints under its umbrella. Its imprints are dedicated to encouraging early education in Arabic and improving the level of Arabic literacy among children; publishing translated and Arabic literary works for adults; publishing and distributing the publications of the imprints affiliated with QUATRO in Arabic; and producing the ever-entertaining form of illustrative storytelling available in the Arabic language. Kalimat Group has published over 400 books, many of which have received Arab and international awards.